Thursday, June 26, 2008

forecastle favorites

as mentioned before, tonight i'll give away a pair of tickets to the last day of festivities at forecastle '08 in louisville. don't forget, it's sunday, july 27.

i'm going to copy annie's method of gift distribution this time because my "tickets-go-to-the-third-caller" method was far too darwinian. in the spirit of democracy / equal rights / socialism i'll take calls from everybody the first hour and pick the winner's name out of a hat at 11pm. so if your concert dreams have been shut down by me in the past, you'll have a fair shot this time.

i was going to play some music you can expect to hear at the festival during tonight's show, but none of it really fits with the other stuff i'll probably play. so here you go instead:

dr. dog - say something

backyard tire fire - vagabonds and hooligans

cabin - i was here

talk to you tonight.

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